Useful links

Where to start finding information about so many diverse topics? Here is my list of “must know” links:

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi:

Here you will find a thoroughly introduction to mycorrhizal associations. The site was developed by Mark Brundrett as an online textbook and provides information about the evolution and roles of mycorrhizal associations and the methods used to study them. The perfect place where to start!

MaarjaAM: a database bringing together published Glomeromycota DNA sequence data, classifying them into “virtual taxa”. A user friendly database that enables browsing and searching in relation to several variables.

INVAM: the International Culture Collection of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi offers information ranging from how to isolate and culture these interesting organisms to species descriptions from reference cultures. The collection contents more than 230 species that one can purchase for experimental purposes.


Plant distribution maps: Through the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland, 2 km and 10 km distribution maps of plants in the UK are available.

Ecoflora: a database with ecological information on more than 3800 species of higher plants occurring in the British Isles.

SID: the Seed Information Database from the Kew Royal Botanic Gardens is a compilation of data on seed biological traits.


DBIF: a database of published interaction between Great Britain ‘s invertebrate herbivores (insects and mites) and their host plants.

HOSTS: A database of the World’s Lepidopteran Host plants.

UKMoths: an online guide to the moths of Great Britain and Ireland.